Future uses for Flexible Display Screens part 3: lighting

WALK INTO THE LIGHT of flexible display screens!

OLED’s create their own light which is the reason why they use less power and thus are essentially more energy efficient. OLED’s could also be the future replacement for the light bulb, how is that possible? Flexible OLED’s allows for transparent panels of OLED to be placed on the ceiling, walls and windows of a consumers house whilst draining less energy.

Erste OLED für die Allgemeinbeleuchtung - Blendfreies, warmweißes Flächenlicht / First OLED for General Lighting - Non-glare, warm white panel lighting oled-philips

White OLED lighting would be a useful tool for surgeons and dentists, as by replacing the phosphorus lighting tubes with OLED’s white lighting would create a purer white light than typical light bulbs. This allows for any medical practice and hospital to have access to higher standards and improved working conditions.

Or for all you fashion enthuses out there Flexible Screens can also be sewn into clothing, hello human disco ball fashion show!!!

no your not seeing things... yes i did just post this.
no your not seeing things… yes i did just post this.

The future of TV’s and Laptops: part 2

When OLED technology is out of it’s development stage and is able to be produced and used without being sandwiched between two glass panels, to protect the screen from the elements, Flexible OLED technology can make a difference in the way consumer interact with technology.

For instance consumers would be able to only carry around a laptop keyboard, and with one press of a button the user would then cause the Flexible screen to unravel without loosing the 1080p resolution. This would make any device lighter and significantly reduce the bulkiness allowing for a sleek esthetic. The feature that allows users to ‘pack their screen away’ would work well for consumers who travel, as it will allow them to carry less luggage on board.

The Flexbook created by Taiwan-based designer Hao-Chun Huang for Fujitsu’s 2011 Design Award contest

Of course the lightweight capabilities would be useful for university student who usually carry a heavy load. LG was the first to produce a Flexible TV screen display, which means it is likely that the first mass production of foldable laptop screen displays will be bought from LG or created by them. But laptops are not the only devices that can have Flexible screen displays, as TV’s with foldable displays would be more than just a gimmick. With the aid of Flexible screen displays consumers will be able to transport their large Flexible OLED TV screens making it easy to clean around the TV and would make moving houses easier for potential consumers.

Can anyone think of any outrageous and out of the box uses for Flexible screen display?

Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 8.33.45 pmor not..34f57bcc34f9441c19606f9cf43f823a

Future uses for Flexible Display Screens: Part 1

I have been speculating on the future growth of Flexible screen displays, in stating that, the future doesn’t necessarily need to be revolutionary. Just like the Oculus Rift the Google glass could take advantage and make use of OLED technology to create a slimmer and cheaper product, thus allowing for a wider range of consumers. The size of the Google glass is only one of the issues users have with the product, Flexible OLED technology could push the Google glass in the right direction. As it is transparent, and drains less battery power than an LED screen does, allowing the Google glass to have a longer battery life without the need to spend time and money creating a longer lasting battery.

So what do you guys think? Will Flexible Display screens help Google glass or is their no saving it?51be02c2d8d709efce640ff506397a576d962f97edc75448b7bc3313e53cbab3

lets get our technological determinism on!

Through technological determinism display screens created a phenomenon in the way people interact with technology. So it only stands to reason that Flexible display screens, OLED’s should be greeted with the same awe-inspiring and revolutionary change.At first this wasn’t the case and all people thought was that flexible screen technology equals gimmick. It wasn’t until technology websites started to give the public insight knowledge on how useful OLED’s in 2014 are. OLED’s are only used commercially for their high quality and battery saving performance which is something consumers are constantly searching for. Companies such as Samsung have used OLED’s flexibility with its new TV, which allows viewers to have an immersive experience making something as ordinary as watching TV into an adventure.

LG Curved TV

Because society is being enlightened on the possibilities of Flexible display screens, OLED technology is now seen as something that can have a definite influence. Users are creating concept designs to articulate their versions of how major phone brands could use OLED’s flexibility attributes.

Philips Fluid Concept phone
Philips Fluid Concept phone

Be sure to keeping reading because the next round of blogs are all about what The Future Holds!!! And no I’m not a psychic its just speculation.

see you soon :)
see you soon 🙂

How Flexible Screen Displays effect the social environment

The Galaxy Round is the world’s first flexible OLED devise that has been implemented. This Android smartphone features a screen curvature radius of 400mm, this added curve creates a more comfortable user experience when dealing with such a large phone.

it's..it's..so round O.o
it’s..it’s..so round O.o

The U.S army constantly experiments with new technology and OLED’s are no exception. LG supplied the U.S army with completely functional displays, and communication OLED devices, which were placed under critical analysis by senior leaders, who are responsible for any investment decisions for the U.S army. The displays are attached to the forearm; OLED is a high efficiency display that consumes less power while still being able to use the army’s advanced software. This coupled with the lightweight features signifies that OLED displays can become a valuable piece of technology for solders.

girls don't love a man in uniform anymore its all about the technology!
girls don’t love a man in uniform anymore its all about the technology!

Flexible Display Screens are being used to help create other developing technologies such as the Oculus Rift’s new prototype Crystal Cove The older version of the Oculus Rift had a slower refreshment time, which began to create a motion blur for the objects in the games. But now because Crystal Cove has switched from LCD to OLED, it has significantly reduced the motion blur from 60 milliseconds to 30ms. The developers are planning to reduce this again and to achieve a 20ms of motion blur. The reduction of this blur is also grouped with a 1080p OLED display; this not only makes for a better aesthetical viewing experience, but a practical one as it reduces motion sickness for users allowing them to interact with a game for longer periods of time. Even though OLED technology is still relatively young developers are using it to enhance the productivity of their own technological devises.

a little bit of humor never hurt anybody :)
a little bit of humor never hurt anybody 🙂

Why Have we accepted Flexible display screens?

The Big question is why has todays society allowed Flexible screen displays to emerge and become a very real possibility?

Flexible screen display is a new viewing experience, which allows users to interact with it, and the majority of todays cultural society welcomes new technologies it is this willingness that has allowed OLED’s flexible display screen to emerge. Mobile phones are not just a way for people to communicate with each other, but a lifestyle, with this being the case people are expecting innovative new ways in which to intact with technology. OLED technology does enhance a consumer’s interaction, for instance the display has no backlighting like LCD, this means it uses less battery power allowing people to use their phones for longer.

Now that I have explained why I believe Flexible screen technology has been accepted and has been given the opportunity to grow I would really like to hear why you believe we have accepted Flexible displays!

History of Screens

Before I start talking about flexible screen displays its important to rewind and delve into the past, for us to be able to see what technological advancements led to the innovate idea of flexible screen displays.

The first images that were played on a screen called the CRT in 1926 by KenJiro Takayamagi who also succeeded to build the first black and white television set. As the social environment changed so did the use of CRT screens. World War II unfortunately impeded any progress in CRT technology as the need for radars far out weighed the need for TV’s meaning family’s still needed to wait by the radio to listen for any news concerning the war. The evolution of the screens happened considerably slower than most technologies. As the industry clung onto CRT screens, Even after LCD screens were introduced, Sony’s CRT screens were still in production in China up to the year 2007. One of the major problems consumers had with the CRT’s was the size and the amount of space the computer screen took up, which then resulted in the declining want of CRT’s. The decline of CRT’s led to the publics’ willingness to embrace LCD screens. Now LCD screens have taken over the Display technology market, but for how long? As the Flexible Screen displays are displaying some promise. Flexible Screen Display is the common term used to describe OLED technology due to its bendable properties. OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode, the OLED display is made up of layers of organic material, one of these layers include Cathode which is what the CRT’s used.

As you can see display screen technology has been around for quite some time, and was a little reluctant to move forward, some would say the same for flexible Screen Displays. If you believe that Flexible screen displays have been in the concept stage for to long please feel free to comment!