How Flexible Screen Displays effect the social environment

The Galaxy Round is the world’s first flexible OLED devise that has been implemented. This Android smartphone features a screen curvature radius of 400mm, this added curve creates a more comfortable user experience when dealing with such a large phone.

it'' round O.o
it’’ round O.o

The U.S army constantly experiments with new technology and OLED’s are no exception. LG supplied the U.S army with completely functional displays, and communication OLED devices, which were placed under critical analysis by senior leaders, who are responsible for any investment decisions for the U.S army. The displays are attached to the forearm; OLED is a high efficiency display that consumes less power while still being able to use the army’s advanced software. This coupled with the lightweight features signifies that OLED displays can become a valuable piece of technology for solders.

girls don't love a man in uniform anymore its all about the technology!
girls don’t love a man in uniform anymore its all about the technology!

Flexible Display Screens are being used to help create other developing technologies such as the Oculus Rift’s new prototype Crystal Cove The older version of the Oculus Rift had a slower refreshment time, which began to create a motion blur for the objects in the games. But now because Crystal Cove has switched from LCD to OLED, it has significantly reduced the motion blur from 60 milliseconds to 30ms. The developers are planning to reduce this again and to achieve a 20ms of motion blur. The reduction of this blur is also grouped with a 1080p OLED display; this not only makes for a better aesthetical viewing experience, but a practical one as it reduces motion sickness for users allowing them to interact with a game for longer periods of time. Even though OLED technology is still relatively young developers are using it to enhance the productivity of their own technological devises.

a little bit of humor never hurt anybody :)
a little bit of humor never hurt anybody 🙂

1 thought on “How Flexible Screen Displays effect the social environment”

  1. I think they are an amazing piece of technology. Could you imagine wearing a mini tv/computer/ipad on your wrist as if it was a watch/wristband? Haha


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