The future of TV’s and Laptops: part 2

When OLED technology is out of it’s development stage and is able to be produced and used without being sandwiched between two glass panels, to protect the screen from the elements, Flexible OLED technology can make a difference in the way consumer interact with technology.

For instance consumers would be able to only carry around a laptop keyboard, and with one press of a button the user would then cause the Flexible screen to unravel without loosing the 1080p resolution. This would make any device lighter and significantly reduce the bulkiness allowing for a sleek esthetic. The feature that allows users to ‘pack their screen away’ would work well for consumers who travel, as it will allow them to carry less luggage on board.

The Flexbook created by Taiwan-based designer Hao-Chun Huang for Fujitsu’s 2011 Design Award contest

Of course the lightweight capabilities would be useful for university student who usually carry a heavy load. LG was the first to produce a Flexible TV screen display, which means it is likely that the first mass production of foldable laptop screen displays will be bought from LG or created by them. But laptops are not the only devices that can have Flexible screen displays, as TV’s with foldable displays would be more than just a gimmick. With the aid of Flexible screen displays consumers will be able to transport their large Flexible OLED TV screens making it easy to clean around the TV and would make moving houses easier for potential consumers.

Can anyone think of any outrageous and out of the box uses for Flexible screen display?

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3 thoughts on “The future of TV’s and Laptops: part 2”

    1. Thanks!! Ermina😊 Umm the possibilities that flexible camera’s could hold is that it would be lighter and smaller so you could fit it in your pocket just like what you do with your phone also there would be more room in your bag/purse.


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